


What is Dental Anxiety?


Drills, needles, and pain, oh my! Coping with dental anxiety.

December 18, 2019

By Tien Jiang, DMD, MEd, Contributor

For many people, going to the dentist is an unpleasant but manageable experience. For others, just the thought of going to the dentist causes severe anxiety, leading them to delay or avoid dental treatment. Unfortunately, this behavior can spiral into a vicious cycle of dental pain, health problems, worse anxiety, and more complex and costly dental procedures.

Dental anxiety and phobia

It’s very common for people to fear going to the dentist. When dental fear is severe and leads people to delay or cancel treatment, these individuals may meet criteria for dental phobia or odontophobia, which is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition as a type of phobia. There are many different reasons for and triggers of dental anxiety. For some, they have had a previous traumatic experience; for others, they are extremely afraid of needles. Because the origin of fear can vary from patient to patient, it is critical that you identify your fears and share this with your dentist or another health care professional.

If you experience dental anxiety or phobia, here are some tips to ensure you maintain your oral health and receive comfortable dental care.

Protect yourself from the damage of chronic inflammation.

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovas­cular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other conditions. Get simple tips to fight inflammation and stay healthy -- from Harvard Medical School experts.

Prevention and the mouth-body connection

The best way to avoid complex dental procedures and pain is to regularly visit your dentist. Not only will your dentist diagnose problems and help you prevent future issues, but he or she will also help manage your oral health as part of your general health. Your mouth is the gateway to your body. For example, people with type 2 diabetes are more likely to have periodontitis, a type of bone and gum disease, which could lead to tooth loss. In fact, studies have shown that controlling diabetes can help control gum and bone health, and vice versa.

Managing pain

Many people fear the dentist because they are afraid of pain. There are several ways to manage this during and after dental treatment. Most commonly, dentists will use topical and local anesthesia. Topical anesthesia is a numbing gel that can help ease the insertion of a thin needle used to deliver local anesthesia. The local anesthesia will take effect within minutes, typically last for several hours, and numbs just the area that your dentist needs to complete the procedure. Furthermore, depending on the type of procedure, your dentist may advise one or more of the following to minimize pain and swelling after your visit: ice, oral rinses, over-the-counter pain medication (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen), or prescription medication. Following these directions is critical to your recovery.

Managing anxiety

It is highly encouraged that you explore a combination of the following options to reduce dental anxiety prior to considering medications. Relaxation exercises such as focused breathing and meditation can successfully slow your heart rate and put you at ease. Many people find bringing distractions to the dental chair to be effective. Examples include headphones for music or podcasts, and a stress relief ball that can be squeezed with your hands to release tension during the procedure. Additionally, some patients find comfort in bringing a friend or family member to the appointment. Another approach, cognitive behavioral therapy (which is also used for other forms of phobias), aims to change both negative thoughts and actions. Consult your dentist or another health care professional to find out what option is best for you.

Medications to reduce dental anxiety

There are several ways that your dentist can help reduce your anxiety with medications through different levels of sedation. Your dentist may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs, such as diazepam (Valium), that you can take one hour before a scheduled dental visit. (…) Some of these options may not be advised depending on your medical health, so be sure to tell your dentist about your health conditions and medications.

Take-away messages

Ultimately, managing your dental anxiety will involve a combination of the above options. Talk with your dentist and explain exactly what makes you nervous about the visit. Your dentist will do a careful review of your medical history in order to make safe recommendations while considering your overall health. And lastly, visit your dentist regularly even if you are not in dental pain. This is the best way to prevent painful experiences and more complex and costly procedures.

About the Author

Tien Jiang, DMD, MEd, Contributor

Dr. Tien Jiang received her bachelor of arts from Dartmouth College in linguistics and French. She then pursued dentistry at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HSDM). While a pre-doctoral student, Dr. Jiang became interested in … See Full Bio

View all posts by Tien Jiang, DMD, MEd

How we can help you with dental anxiety

We understand the feeling of vulnerability a patient can feel when sitting in a dentist's chair, whether out of fear of the unknown, after going through bad dental experiences, or other reasons. The comfort of the patient then depends on the dentist's ability to be conscious of it, to accept this situation and to pay close attention to the patient concerns.

We are attentive to your needs and we clearly understand that you may be apprehensive about the treatment to come. This is absolutely normal.

It is important to let us know. We invite you to verbalize your fears so that we can properly respond to your concerns.

Dr. Shaw is well aware of the importance of being reassured. He shows compassion and he pays very close attention to the well-being of his patients. It is a priority for him.

Here are some examples of how Dr. Shaw could proceed with patients who share their apprehensions with him:

  • He takes the time to listen to your questions and answer to them to your satisfaction.
  • Before the treatment, he establishes a sign with you (eg raising your hand) that you can do during the procedure to request a time out.
  • He tells you in advance what he is going to do, what sounds you will hear during the procedure, what you should feel.
  • If you wish him to do so, he explains to you throughout the treatment what he is doing so that you know what is happening rather than not knowing.
  • You can bring your phone and your headphones in the treatment room to listen to your favorite music during the procedure.
  • If you have any other ideas of what might help you feel good during treatment, Dr. Shaw is very interested in hearing about them.

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